Humans Are Visual Creatures
In this digital age, we are being constantly bombarded with new and innovative content. It is no wonder why social media has become such an important component of a successful marketing plan. Product marketers are using this medium to deliver creative campaigns to capture our attention and claim a larger market share. What hasn’t changed is how we humans process the information being delivered.
According to an article published by Lucidpress, over 90% of information sent to the brain is visual. Further, when people hear information, it is likely that they will only recall 10% of that information three days later. However, should a relevant image be delivered with that same information, individuals retain 65% of the information three days later.
Sensory information (vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell) is immediately highly filtered, with only 1% reaching our brain. Infographics, such as the one featured on the left, fall in this 1%. Use of visual content will not only help increase your traffic, but engagement as well. According to a Nielsen Norman Group study, internet readers pay closer attention to information that accompany images. And, they spend more time looking at the images than they do reading text on the page.
Many color psychology studies have been conducted to see if and how color influences feelings, performance and even purchases. The use of strategic color palettes are just as important as the graphics themselves when creating visual content. It is important to know, engaging your visitors with color visuals increases their willingness to read content by 80%. So, when creating your visual content, choose wisely both your colors and accompanying images.
Lastly, consider what methods you’re using to deliver your visual content. At the time of writing this blog entry, there are over 3.4 billion social media users, with an expected growth rate of 9 percent. After you’ve decided who your target audience is, how will you choose to reach them? Chances are that visual content will be the ideal way communicate your story and create a lasting connection.
If you’re wondering how visual content can help your small business make big waves, contact us today!